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Songs on the Security of Networks
a blog by Michał "rysiek" Woźniak

Newag admits: Dragon Sector hackers did not modify software in Impuls trains

This piece has been written for and originally published in Polish by

When attributing, please attribute to: "Michał 'rysiek' Woźniak, Fundacja Ośrodek Kontroli Obywatelskiej „OKO”", and include a link to the original piece on website.

Wednesday, August 28th, marked the beginning of the copyright infringement lawsuit filed by the Polish train manufacturer Newag against train maintenance yard Serwis Pojazdow Szynowych and experts from the Dragon Sector group, who revealed weird software locks in Impuls-series trains. The company demands almost six million Polish złotys (about 1.4mln EUR) compensation. Surprisingly, it also admits that the hackers did not modify software in on-board controllers.

In late 2023 Onet and Zaufana Trzecia Strona wrote about Impuls multiple-unit trains that were rendered inoperable. I wrote about this for in December that year. For years Newag-manufactured trains experienced suspicious breakdowns, becoming inoperable often after maintenance performed by third-party maintenance yards like Serwis Pojazdów Szynowych (SPS).

SPS had employed hackers, embedded systems experts, to analyze the software installed on on-board controllers. Their analysis indicates intentionally implemented software blockades, locking the trains up under specific conditions. These conditions seem to have been selected such that the trains would lock up after going through maintenance in independent maintenance yards.

These conclusions were deemed trustworthy by the Polish Computer Emergency Response Team.

The hackers were able to unlock the affected trains. They also provided explanations on how they managed to do that, and why Impuls-series trains were locking up in the first place.

Newag’s denial

Newag strongly denies implementing the locking functions.

The company does not, however, offer any convincing explanation of how the locking functionality found its way into Impuls-series trains, used by several different train companies all around Poland – and why only these trains seem to be affected. “We have 23 different vehicle types and we have only experienced this with these particular trains” – said Piotr Wakuła, director of operations and technical bureau at Koleje Mazowieckie train company, while speaking at a parliamentary meeting in February this year.

Newag also refuses to answer how exactly were its technicians able to unlock the locked up trains. I asked the company’s spokesperson and received a non-answer: “Our actions amounted to restoring integrity of these systems (diagnostics, verification, and validation).” I asked for a more detailed explanation but received no response.

The “diagnostics, verification, and validation” phrase was also frequently used by Newag representatives during parliamentary committee meetings on the subject; it did not satisfy the train companies nor members of the Parliament.

Instead of providing clear explanations, the company sued Dragon Sector hackers and SPS maintenance yard over alleged copyright infringement. Newag also demanded that the Internal Security Agency (ABW) “puts under special surveillance” everyone who attended the Oh My Hack! conference, where members of Dragon Sector had presented a talk on their findings.

How did the locking code get into the software?

A few months ago I had asked Newag how did the locking code, described in Dragon Sector experts’ analysis, get into the software installed on Impuls trains controllers. In his response the company’s spokesperson, Łukasz Mikołajczyk, questioned this code even existed:

“We do not have any knowledge about the locking code, as reported in the media, ever existing. (…) We can only stress one more time that in the source code we have such functionality does not exist.” – I read in his response, dated April 4th.

Just a few paragraphs later in the same document Newag’s spokesperson unsubtly implies that the locking code might have been added to the software in Impuls trains by Dragon Sector experts themselves:

There is a theory according to which SPS Mieczkowski decided to deal with the difficulty of not having access to technical specification by some other means and hired hackers so that maintenance opreations can be finished without buying a license from NEWAG.

If that were the case it would mean that the hackers broke into Impuls trains’ software even though they did not have access to the source code, and not knowing the system well enough they introduced software changes that caused the trains to „go crazy”.

I have asked repeatedly whose theory this is and if according to Newag specialists from Dragon Sector implemented the locking functionality in software. I have not received a response to this day. But Newag did publish similar claims in their statement of December 2023:

According to our assessment the truth might be completely different – that is, for example, that our competitors tampered with the software. We have notified law enforcement about this. This is not the first time we notify law enforcement that our software is modified without our authorization.

And yet Newag’s copyright infringement suit states that:

No modified Software was installed as part of actions undertaken [by experts from Dragon Sector]

Why the sudden change of heart?

The C‑13/20 decision

From the very start of the whole Impuls-series trains affair their manufacturer insists that Dragon Sector experts infringed upon the company’s copyrights related to the software installed on trains’ controllers. They had to copy the software off of the controllers’ non-volatile memory and then decompile it for analysis, for which neither they nor the SPS maintenance yard had a license from Newag.

Copyright law does however allow reverse engineering of software in specific situations. This has been confirmed by the C-13/20 decision issued by the Court of Justice of the European Union in the Top System case. That case also involved alleged copyright infringement related to decompiling of software in order to fix errors.

The Court decided that:

…the lawful purchaser of a computer program is entitled to decompile all or part of that program in order to correct errors affecting its operation, including where the correction consists in disabling a function that is affecting the proper operation of the application of which that program forms a part.

And that in such a case getting a license for that from the software vendor is not required.

By admitting that Dragon Sector specialists did not modify the software installed on Impuls-series trains Newag is trying to claim that they have not “corrected errors” in that software, and thus the C-13/20 decision is not relevant to the case.

“DS [Dragon Sector] established that the cause of 45WE Impuls Vehicles locking up allegedly was a parameter held in the memory of the Selectron Controller. After modifying its value it was possible to unlock 45WE Impuls Vehicles. This is not a repair, as no error was identified” – the suit reads.

“Neither DS nor SPS performed any ‘repair’ of NEWAG IP Software”

“Neither DS nor SPS indicated any errors in NEWAG IP Software.”

Since the software was not “repaired”, it follows – according to Newag – that “decompiling of the software was not necessary to unlock 45WE Impuls Vehicles.” And since it was not necessary, the actions performed to unlock the trains did not meet the criteria set in the C-13/20 decision, and thus constituted infringement of software vendor’s copyright.

Different kinds of memory

At the same time Newag keeps repeating that specialists hired by SPS “tampered with the control system”, suggesting that this might be somehow dangerous. How does that square with claims that they did not modify the software installed in the trains’ controllers?

Controller units used in Impuls-series trains have three types of memory:

    this is where the binary code of software and the operating system running on the controller is stored;
    holds the settings and other data that needs to be preserved even if power is lost;
  • RAM
    volatile memory that holds data needed by the software while it is running; the data is held there as long as the controller is powered on.

This layout is not in any way special. Memory architecture of a home WiFi router looks basically the same.

When such a device gets rebooted, data in RAM is lost, but settings in NVRAM and software in FLASH are preserved. When we change settings in the user interface, variables stored in NVRAM are being modified, but no changes are made to software installed in FLASH.

In order to unlock the locked Impuls trains Dragon Sector hackers modified specific variables in NVRAM. So they did “tamper with the control system”. However, they did not make any modifications to software in FLASH, simply because that would require full recertification of the new software version before the trains were legally allowed on public tracks.

If unlocking a train required modifying the software itself – for example, when the condition that triggered the lock relied on the current date instead instead of values stored in NVRAM – the train was left unfixed. This was the case with 31WE-015, which locks itself up twice annually, on 21st of November and on 21st of December; it then unlocks itself on 1st of December and 1st of January.

Mental gymnastics

Newag’s line of reasoning is a case of pretty fraught mental gymnastics

First of all, how were Dragon Sector hackers supposed to “identify errors” in software, if their analysis showed that the locking functionality in Impuls-series trains was implemented intentionally?

Secondly, this line of reasoning bases on a very narrow interpretation of the term “repair”. From the perspective of train operators the Impuls-series trains that locked-up were obviously “broken”; unlocking meant that they were “repaired” – even if that repair happened not to require modifications of software installed on the controller units in these vehicles (instead relying on changing some values stored in NVRAM).

And finally, Newag claims that since there was no need to modify the software itself (as modifying values in NVRAM was sufficient), it was not necessary to decompile the software. That’s like claiming that since fixing our car required fastening one small screw it was not necessary to understand how the whole engine works. But how are we to know which screw to fasten without such understanding?..

This is certainly not the only line of reasoning used by Newag in the suit agains the experts and SPS – full analysis of 160 pages of it is a job for lawyers. I am only focusing here on aspects that touch on technical issues.

Unanswered questions

One important question remains unanswered though – at least by Newag. Why did Impuls-series trains lock up in the first place? Why does 31WE-015 become inoperable between November 21st and December 1st, and then again between December 21st and January 1st?

Experts from Dragon Sector provided a coherent, believable, and data-supported explanation: the software installed in controllers of these trains contains locking functionality that kicks in under specific conditions. For example in 31WE-015 these conditions have to do with the current date, and they just happen to match the dates of the planned maintenance by an independent yard, which was scheduled for November 2021.

In other cases locking conditions involved GPS location of the vehicle falling within specific areas – which again just so happened to cover the areas of independent maintenance yards.

The train manufacturer meanders and evades. On one hand, the company claims that they know nothing of any locking functionality in the software (“in the source code we have such functionality does not exist”). On the other, it implies that this functionality was implemented by Dragon Sector hackers themselves. Then finally admits that the hackers did not modify the software on the trains (and thus could not be the ones who implemented the locking functionality in the first place).

In their “white paper” Newag states that:

When tampering with the control systems, the hackers knew they are committing copyright infringement against NEWAG group, due to warnings being displayed by the system.

I asked the company’s spokesperson about the conditions that would lead to such warnings being displayed. In response I received a statement saying that “we do not know the conditions as we are not the authors.”

So, to summarize:

  • company’s spokesperson had no problem whatsoever with stating categorically that the source code of the software used in Impuls-series trains does not contain any locking functionality;
  • but he is not able to specify under what conditions copyright infringement warnings are displayed;
  • even though Newag itself referred to them in their statements.

Based on available information it seems that these copyright infringement warnings were displayed when the train was moving even though one of the conditions of the locking functionality was satisfied – namely, not having moved for more than 21 days.

The system that manages the displays in the engineer’s cabin is separate from controllers onto which the software that contained locking functionality was deployed. In theory the train manufacturer could have implemented the warning without having a clue about the locking functionality.

But if Newag – as the company claims – had nothing to do with that locking functionality, why should the fact that the train is not locked-up even though one of the conditions for that is met be indicative of copyright infringement? And how did the condition in both of these separate systems end up being identical: 21 days of being stationary?..

And finally, if the locking functionality ended up in the Impuls-series train controllers software without the knowledge and consent of the manufacturer, one would expect the company to work closely with hackers from Dragon Sector in order to uncover, as fast as possible, who, when and how installed the modified software on the vehicles’ controllers. After all, on multiple occassions Newag has stressed how badly this whole affair reflects on the company, and how it negatively impacts its stock price.

Instead of working together to clear all of this up, the company sues the experts, demanding millions in compensation.

SLAPPing the experts?

“Based on the media description of the case it seems that we might be talking about a so-called SLAPP – a strategic lawsuit aimed at curtailing public debate.” – I am told by Krzysztof Izdebski, a lawyer working for Stefan Batory Foundation.

The way this works is that people who identify and publicize irregularities are hit with a lawsuit by an entity that had a hand in causing the irregularities, aimed at creating a chilling effect affecting the sued parties, but also anyone else who might be willing to follow their lead.

“EU has recently adopted a directive which is supposed to offer protection from such actions” – Izdebski notes – “The preambule mentions that »as a result of such proceedings, the publication of information on a matter of public interest could be delayed or prevented altogether«”.

It is in public interest interest that journalists and civil society watch this case closely and verify if it indeed is a case of SLAPP and an attempt to curtail freedom of expression and the right to truth.

During the first hearing, Newag requested that the whole trial be made non-public. The judge rejected that request.

Necessary licenses

The notorious affair with Impuls-series trains underscores one more issue: the necessity of securing sufficient licenses related to any software that is used for delivering any kind of public service (including public transport).

Today, software is a crucial element of most devices we use daily, including means of transport. It is unacceptable that vendor’s copyright makes it harder to establish a cause of a train becoming inoperable, and makes it illegal for the train operator or a contractor hired by them to fix it! It’s unfathomable that experts who made the analysis and unlocked the vehicles are now forced to deal with a lawsuit claiming they did not have a suitable software license.

From the perspective of passengers and train operators the copyright issue is completely secondary to the question of who implemented the locking functionality in the trains that carry thousands of people on a regular basis, and were purchased using public funds. And to the question of how quickly can they be unlocked and return to normal operation.

One possible solution here is to require that software that is an element of systems or devices funded by public money is released under a free software license, with its source code available. Or at the very least require that organizations that operate devices and systems funded with public money also receive full documentation, source code, and license that explicitly permits modification of that software, including by third parties contracted to do so.

Not only would that remove legal uncertainty and the threat of lawsuits in such cases, but it would also simplify security audits. And, it would allow independent third parties to develop such software further (including fixing bugs) – even if the original vendor is long out of business or simply not interested in continuous development of software for older devices.

Effective CSAM filters are impossible because what CSAM is depends on context

Automatically tagging or filtering child sexual exploitation materials (CSAM) cannot be effective and preserve privacy at the same time, regardless of what kind of tech one throws at it. Because what is and what is not CSAM is highly dependent on context.

Literally the same photo, bit-by-bit identical, can be an innocent memorabilia when sent between family members, and a case of CSAM if shared on a child porn group.

The information necessary to tell whether or not it is CSAM is not available in the file being shared. It is impossible to tell it apart by any kind of technical means based on the file alone. The current debate about filtering child sexual exploitation materials (CSAM) on end-to-end encrypted messaging services, like all previous such debates (of which there were many), mostly ignores this basic point.

All the tech in the world

Whenever CSAM and filtering of it become a topic of public debate, there is always a bunch of technical tools being peddled as a “solution” to it. These might involve hashing algorithms, machine learning systems (or as the marketing department would call them, “AI”), or whatever else.

And whenever this happens, technical experts spend countless hours verifying the extraordinary claims made by vendors and promoters of these tools, inevitably finding no proof of their purported effectiveness meant to justify their broad deployment to scan everyone’s communication.

But that’s not my point today.

My point today is that even if we had a magical tool that can tell – with perfect 100% accuracy – that a given image or video contains a depiction of a naked child, or that can – with perfect 100% accuracy – identify everything depicted in that media file, it would still not be enough to be able to filter out CSAM accurately and without mis-labeling huge numbers of innocent people’s messages as CSAM.

Context is king

This is because, as already mentioned, the information necessary to say whether a given image or video is or is not CSAM is in most cases not available in the file itself.

A video of a naked toddler, sent between two parents or other close family members, is just innocent family memorabilia. A nude photo of a child sent by a parent to a family doctor can be safely assumed to be a request for medical advice. Explicit materials sent consensually between infatuated teens exploring their sexuality are their business, and their alone.

But should any of these same images or videos leak from a compromised phone or e-mail account, and end up in a context of, say, a child porn sharing ring, they immediately become child sexual exploitation materials. Nothing changed about the media files themselves, and yet everything changed about their classification.

Not just the file

So, to establish whether a given media file is CSAM or not, whatever magical technological tool being used has to have access to the context. The media file alone won’t do.

This means information on who is talking to whom, when, and what about. What is their relation (close relatives? family doctor? dating?). Contents of their other communication, not just images or videos sent between them. This would have to include historical conversations, as the necessary context might not be obvious from messages immediately surrounding the shared file.

There is simply no way around it, and anyone who claims otherwise is either lying, or has no idea what they are talking about.

Importantly, this is not related to any limitations of our current technology. No amount of technological magic could squeeze any information from a media file that is not available in it. And there is always going to be pertinent contextual information that is not going to be contained in any such file.

The problem is real, the “tech solutions” are not

This is not to say that access to all that context is enough to “solve” CSAM. It is not, there are plenty of other problems with any CSAM-filtering proposal and tool out there.

This is also not to say that CSAM – and more broadly, sexual exploitation of children – is not a serious problem. It sadly absolutely is!

But it is not limited to the Internet. It is not going to be solved by a magical filter on our private, intimate communications, even if we could technically build a filter with sufficient accuracy (which we cannot).

If politicians wanted to be serious about solving the problem of sexual exploitation of children they would stop wasting their (and everybody else’s) time and energy on wishful thinking, misdirection, and technosolutionism.

And instead focus all that effort on programs that can actually do something about the problem.

Telegram is neither "secure" nor "encrypted"

This piece has been written for and originally published in Polish by

When attributing, please attribute to: "Michał 'rysiek' Woźniak, Fundacja Ośrodek Kontroli Obywatelskiej „OKO”", and include a link to the original piece on website.

Telegram is a popular – especially in the East – internet messenger. It bills itself as “encrypted”, “private”, and “secure”. One of its creators (and the CEO of the company that operates the service), Pavel Durov, has for years been suggesting, in a more or less direct manner, that other internet messenger services expose our conversations and endanger our privacy.

It’s a pretty crude, yet surprisingly effective strategy for distracting attention away from Telegram’s very real problems with security and privacy. And there are quite a few of those.

What is being encrypted?

On Telegram’s website we can find claims, that “messages are heavily encrypted.” This is also how Telegram promotes itself on social media. This would strongly suggest that the contents of messages exchanged using that tool are available only to their senders and recipients – and that nobody else could read them. This kind of encryption is called “end-to-end”, and is exactly what we should expect today when we hear that some communication service is “encrypted.”

In the context of Telegram this is, however, misleading.

For conversations this IM has two modes. By default, messages are encrypted between our device and Telegram’s servers. The company calls it “cloud chats.” Messages sent by us are indeed encrypted, but only between us and the company’s ifnrastructure, and then between that infrastructure and the messages’ recipients. Same goes for messages we receive.

This most definitely is not end-to-end encryptuion. The service’s operator, Pavel Durov’s company, has full access to the contents and the metadata of our conversations, including any files we send, when this mode is in use. And again, this is the default mode for all private and group chats.

A second, optional mode is the so-called “secret chats.” When this mode is used messages are actually end-to-end encrypted, and the only people who could get access to them are us and people we are chating with. Unfortunately, “secret chats” need to be explicitly enabled separately for each of our contacts. And, conversations we are having in this mode are only available between specific devices they were turned on for – if we enable a “secret chat” with one of our contacts while using our mobile device, this conversation will not be available to us when using the desktop client, for example.

“Secret chats” are also not available for group chats and channels. In other words, no groups and no channels on Telegram are encrypted end-to-end. Their contents – and the associated metadata, including members, who sent which message when, and so on – are available to Telegram service operator. And thus to any law enforcement agencies that are able to force or convince the company to comply with data requests.

Suspicious encryption

The good news is that MTProto, the message encryption protocol created by Telegram’s team and used both for regular conversations and “secret chats”, does not currently have known vulnerabilities.

But there is also the bad news: cryptologists seem to mostly agree that the way the protocol is designed is generally somewhat suspicious. When desigining and implementing encryption protocols it’s easy to make non-obvious mistakes, and Telegram’s protocol seems to have a lot of places where such mistakes might lurk.

Similar concerns regarding the previous version of MTProto were eventually proven correct.

Cryptology experts indicated where problems could potentially be expected. Telegram’s developers’ reaction was, to put it mildly, not particularly friendly. In the end it turned out that the first version of the protocol indeed had serious vulnerabilities. Including one that was described by an expert as “the most backdoor-looking bug I’ve ever seen.” Time will tell if history repeats itself with the new, currently used version of MTProto.

So, does Telegram use encryption? Yes. Is it possible to use end-to-end encryption in that service? Yes, but in a very limited way, only if you remember to actually enable it, and using a protocol that cryptology experts do not find trustworthy.

Claiming that “Telegram is encrypted” is like claiming that pizza is a healthy food, because there’s a slice of tomato on it.

What about privacy?

This is not the only place where Telegram’s promotional materials are misleading or outright false. In the FAQ section of their website the company claims that:

(…) [W]e can ensure that no single government or block of like-minded countries can intrude on people’s privacy and freedom of expression. Telegram can be forced to give up data only if an issue is grave and universal enough to pass the scrutiny of several different legal systems around the world.

To this day, we have disclosed 0 bytes of user data to third parties, including governments.

And yet when a court in India ordered the company in 2022 to provide information – including phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and IP addresses – in relatioon to an on-going case, the company provided the requested data. German law enforcement was also apparently able to receive information about specific Telegram users.

It gets worse. The protocol itself, MTProto, enables tracking Telegram users by simply observing network traffic. Every single message contains an unencrypted header that identifies specific user device (called auth_key_id in the protocol specs).

Among others, Russia has capabilities sufficient to use this for tracking specific peoplewho use Telegram on territory it controlls (thanks to SORM). And apparently it used this capability in Kherson, against Ukrainian partisans. It’s not difficult to imagine, what the consequences could have been.

There are also indications that Telegram might be sharing with law enforcement contents of conversations that are not using the (seldom activated) “secret chats” mode. Activists in Russia learned about this the hard way.


In some cases, promises made in promotional materials are broken, and the materials then modified accordingly.

For example: as late as 2020 in Telegram’s FAQ one could find the question whether Telegram will ever display ads – along with a simple, clear answer: “No.”

In 2021 Telegramn enabled ads “in some public channels.” The FAQ entry was then modified. Today it is: “Will you have ads in my private chats and groups?”

In and of itself this is of course a pretty small change. But it raises a question about other promises the company makes in their documentation – for example about not selling private data of people who use the service. And they do collect a bunch of such data.

Black PR

We should not be surprised, then, that the company, and Pavel Durov personally, deploy a strategy of misdirection and casting doubt on the competition.

A few weeks ago ex-Twitter accounts related to Telegram attacked Signal. Not the first time. For example in 2017 Durov publicly claimed that he expects a backdoor in Signal to be found within 5 years – and that he is willing to bet a million dollars on that.

Tech journalist Max Eddy tried to take that bet, but Durov did not respond.

Telegram vs. Signal

There has never been any backdoor found in Signal. As opposed to Telegram’s MTProto, Signals end-to-end encryption protocol is widely considered the golden standard of secure encryption protocol design.

All communication on Signal is end-to-end encrypted – there is simply no way available to send a message that is not fully end-to-end encrypted message on that service. End-to-end encrypted are also groups, stickers, voice and video calls. And all of this is available to all devices connected to one’s account.

Signal is managed by a non-profit organization; Telegram’s operator is a regular company, but it promises it isn’t in it for the money.

Signal does not keep any metadata, apart from date and time of when an account was created, and date and time of the last time the account was active. And has the documentation to prove it – as it does publish all data requests along with its own responses. I have never seen any information that would put that in doubt.

I am not writing this to promote Signal (even though it’s not hard to figure out I find it to be considerably more secure). I am trying to show that it is possible to create a tool that does not have Telegram’s flaws and actually fulfills its promises related to encryption, privacy, and security.

Is Telegram safe and secure?

A question about safety and security with regards to any communication tool is always a complex one. A lot depends on individual needs, context in which the tool is to be used, on the reasons for using the tool. But in case of Telegram it is difficult to find situations in which it is the safest available tool for the job. And it is really easy to find situations where using it is dangerous.

There is no such thing as a perfect tool. All internet messaging services, including Signal, had vulnerabilities found in them. Their protocols evolved with time, reacting to often valid criticism. But the way Telegram and Pavel Durov react to criticism and how they misdirect does not build trust.

Safety and security of any tool never boil down only to technical issues (and even these are definitely not Telegram’s strong suit). It is immensely important how strengths and weaknesses of a given tool are being communicated to people who use it. How does the user interface work? Does it make it difficult to make a mistake, for example unintentionally to send a message that is not fully end-to-end encrypted?

Telegram has been misleading people for years, abusing terms such as “encrypted messenger” – and it is not hard to conclude this is intentional at this point. It apparently cooperates with law enforcement even though it claims otherwise. And its user interface seems designed to mislead users into a false sense of security.

This is dangerous. I had worked with investigative journalists who used Telegram to talk to their sources. I had seen on many occasions the shock when I explained what “encrypted” really means in the context of this tool. By trusting Telegram’s claims they had put their sources in danger.

Telegram is certainly aware of all this – many people had pointed all of this out over the years. But it refuses to change.

Things I'd like more people to understand in 2024

We find ourselves in a peculiar place. We are more interconnected, yet more misinformed. At ease with more advanced technologies, but more easily mislead by them. “Doing our own research”, but ending up deeper in conspiratorial rabbit holes.

When discussing complex topics — pandemic, war, the housing crisis, or some thorny family affairs — it is surprisingly easy to jump to conclusions, to oversimplify, ignore crucial nuance, and thus get untethered from reality. To label someone as “evil”, “unethical”, fall back on tribalism. Our brains are always looking for a shortcut, and many of these shortcuts lead us astray. Sometimes we get fooled, sometimes we fool others. Neither helps in the long run.

I am as guilty of this as anyone else. But I also feel the only way we can deal with problems we’re facing, on any level, is by talking them through. Here’s a list of a few rules of thumb I find particularly helpful to keep in mind when thinking about and discussing complex politics- and society-adjacent topics.

They are not absolutes, and do not always apply, but they can help avoid some pitfalls we fall into all too often.

Explanation is not a justification

The fact that there exists an explanation of an action or decision does not automatically mean that the action or decision was justified. Explanation is only about being able to understand why somebody did something. Justification is about the moral judgment over that person and what they did.

It is chillingly easy to fall into the trap of assuming that a person is justifying an unethical act of someone’s just because that person is trying to understand or explain it. Making such an assumption easily leads to dismissing that person as a “supporter” of that unethical act, and thus unethical themselves. This in turn makes it very difficult to talk about causes of a given situation, and about making it less likely it happens in the future.

We have to be able to discuss reasons behind a specific decision or action, regardless of how we  feel about the morality of it. If we want to make sure something bad does not happen again, understanding the reasons it happened is often more important than passing moral judgment.

The flip-side of this is that providing an explanation of something is not the same as providing a justification for it. “This is why I did it” is not the same as “this is why I was in the right doing it”. If by explaining an action somebody is be trying to deflect blame — they probably should get called out on that.

Of course, this is not to say that an explanation can never be an important element of valid justification.  It can, and it often is. But explanation and justification are different, even if one can support the other to some degree.

Hanlon’s razor

We humans are great at ascribing agency and intentionality where there is none. We love to make things about ourselves. We see faces in the clouds, deity’s wrath in volcanic eruptions, and targeted, premeditated malice in somebody else’s decisions or actions — especially ones that affect us in a bad way.

Hanlon’s razor states:

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

I personally expand it to also include incompetence, laziness, and other lesser vices. It is, basically, a tool for assessing explanations of a given set of actions or decisions. In many cases, there is no need to assume malice in order to explain a problematic action or decision. In some cases assuming malice is actually counter-productive.

We don’t need to assume maliciousness on part of civil servants in the Netherlands who deployed the (as it turns out) racist system for flagging “suspicious” use of childcare benefits to know this was unacceptable. Pondering whether that was malicious on their part or not is in this case moot, and can distract from a broader and more immediately important question of: how to fix the broader system such that this never happens again, regardless of malice or incompetence?

That’s not to say that there is never malice, of course. Sometimes there very much is. But in the end, in a lot of cases it might not matter much — bad outcomes are bad regardless of whether they are caused by malice, or by incompetence. Important systems, especially ones on which our livelihoods or health and well-being depends on, should be resilient to either.

Or, as Grey’s law puts it:

Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice

Which is closely related to…

A system’s purpose is what it does

Let’s say we have a complex system — technical, political, social, whatever the kind. And let’s say that it keeps having certain bad outcomes. Everyone involved in creating and maintaining it keeps insisting that these bad outcomes are accidental, and keep promising this can be fixed, but somehow it never is. At some point it just makes sense to treat these bad outcomes as the actual purpose of the system. If they really were not, surely the system would have been fixed already!

Coined by Stafford Beer, of Cybersyn fame, this rule is an great way of cutting through elaborate excuses given about any unacceptable outcomes of a system.

For example: if a government policy supposedly meant to fight the housing crisis (say, by guaranteeing low-interest loans to prospective buyers) ends up raising apartment prices but not causing actual improvement in the overall housing availability, at some point it’s reasonable to say that the purpose of this policy is not to fight the housing crisis — but to funnel free money to real estate developers.

Or: if a policy intended to combat drug abuse ends up predominantly incarcerating only a specific part of the population (say, young Black men), but in no real reduction in overall drug use, then it is reasonable to say that the purpose of the policy is not reduction of drug use — but persecution of a specific group.

Mind you, this doesn’t necessarily mean that the system in question was deliberately designed to be like this! It doesn’t necessarily mean its designers and maintainers are intentionally lying about what its purpose is or was supposed to be, maliciously hiding the fact that the purpose was different (see Hanlon’s razor above). It might be accidental, or related to incompetence, or to the fact that we’re all a product of the society we grew up in and the circumstances we inhabit.

In the end it doesn’t really matter what the original idea for that system was. If a system is allowed to stay in place even though it is clearly ineffective in its stated purpose, then it is fair to say that the actual purpose has to be something else.

Life is not a zero-sum game

There are situations which are a zero-sum game. Trying to get tickets to a popular concert is an example: if you get your tickets, I might not get mine. The resource is strictly limited and we are competing for it. Your win is my loss.

But in a lot of cases, things that are talked about as if they were a zero-sum game — are not. Take immigration: it is often talked about in “us vs. them” terms, with an implied assumption that there is some kind of resource that is strictly limited, and that the migrants, once let into the country, will compete over it with its current residents.

This is simply not the case. Yes, people coming into the country might need education, healthcare, social services — but they will also create more demand for local goods and services, strengthening the economy. Often they might be willing to work jobs that nobody else wants to take. They will pay taxes. They will bring their culture and cuisine with them, enriching the lives of everyone.

This is true for a lot of thorny political and social issues that are portrayed publicly or talked about as if they were a zero-sum game. Sometimes this becomes outright absurd and almost self-parodying, as with the so-called “Schrödinger’s immigrant”, who supposedly “steals our jobs” and simultaneously is “too lazy” to get one, hanging on unemployment benefits instead.

Two things can be true at the same time

In a way, truth is also often not a zero-sum game. For example, it is true I work a lot, but it is also true that I am quite a lazy person. It is true that Titanic’s captain’s actions can be considered reckless by today’s standards, and had contributed to the catastrophe, but it is also true they probably did not appear reckless to him or his peers at the time.

This perhaps sounds obvious, but becomes much less so when strong emotions come into play.

Are COVID vaccines a miracle of science, developed and tested in impossibly short time and saving countless lives? Or are they another vestige of Big Pharma’s flavor of neo-colonialism, based on who gets easy access to them and who doesn’t; who gets to manufacture them and who doesn’t; and who gets to profit from them? Both are true. We should be able to admire the former while insisting the latter is outright unacceptable.

This became particularly stark (and somewhat personal) to me when Putin’s Russia launched a full-scale invasion against Ukraine in February 2022. A lot of left-leaning, anarchist-y people seemed to defend Russian aggression by pointing out atrocities committed by US and NATO in Iraq or Afghanistan. How dare I “take side of NATO” here, have they not done enough evil?

But two things can be true at the same time — the US and NATO should be rightfully made accountable for their actions, of course, but that does not make Russia’s invasion and the atrocities it brought on civilians in Ukraine acceptable or justifiable in any sense.

This is a form of a false dichotomy, making it seem as if we have to “choose a side” out of a limited set of options. But the world is more complex than that. We have to be able to walk and chew gum.

These are not absolutes

All of these are guidelines, not absolute and unshakable rules. In some cases they might even run against one another. That’s okay.

An explanation can be an important part of a justification of some action — it’s just that it should not automatically, always be assumed so. An action or a decision can be underpinned by malice, and in some cases it is important to establish if it is — it’s just that it’s not necessarily always so, and it’s not always worthwhile to get stuck on that question.

A system’s outcomes might misalign with its stated purpose temporarily, and a fix might be on the way — question is, how long has the system been allowed to remain broken, and will it actually get fixed? Even if some problem is not a zero-sum game, resources are rarely truly unlimited and it might still make sense to ask about how they get allocated. And sometimes we do have to choose a side.

To me, these guidelines act as useful safety valves when thinking and discussing complex subjects. They help me notice when an argument might be going astray.

Bringing it all together

I find it startling how easily, how eagerly we retreat into tribalism when discussing important, complex, emotionally charged subjects. How quickly we decide there surely is malice involved, how quickly we can be manipulated into thinking something is a zero-sum game and we better, in our own interest, deny somebody’s access to some perceived “limited resource.”

And once we do, we gleefully dismiss “the other side” — suddenly there’s an “other side”, as if every problem only ever had two possible solutions! — as unethical, outright malicious or at least woefully misinformed. Then we don’t have to consider arguments that go against our strongly-held convictions anymore, we don’t have to deal with the fact that the world is more complex than “us vs. them.” After all we are “us”, and if “they” are not with us, they’re clearly against us.

The complexity, however, does not go away, regardless of how hard we try to ignore or hide it.

Mastodon monoculture problem

Recent moves by Eugen Rochko (known as Gargron on fedi), the CEO of Mastodon-the-non-profit and lead developer of Mastodon-the-software, got some people worried about the outsized influence Mastodon (the software project and the non-profit) has on the rest of the Fediverse.

Good. We should be worried.

Mastodon-the-software is used by far by the most people on fedi. The biggest instance,, is home to over 200.000 active accounts as of this writing. This is roughly 1/10th of the whole Fediverse, on a single instance. Worse, Mastodon-the-software is often identified as the whole social network, obscuring the fact that Fediverse is a much broader system comprised of a much more diverse software.

This has poor consequences now, and it might have worse consequences later. What also really bothers me is that I have seen some of this before.

As seen on OStatus-verse

Years ago, I had an account on a precursor to the Fediverse. It was based mainly around StatusNet-the-software (since renamed as GNU social) and the OStatus protocol. The biggest instance by far was — where I had my account. There was also a bunch of other instances, and there were other software projects that also implemented OStatus — notably, Friendica.

For the purpose of this blogpost, let’s call that social network “OStatus-verse”.

Compared to the Fediverse today, OStatus-verse was miniscule. I do not have specific numbers, but my pull-numbers-out-of-thin-air rough estimate is, say, ~100.000 to ~200.000 active accounts on a very good day (if you have the actual numbers, do tell and I will gladly update this blogpost). I do not have exact the numbers for either, but my rough estimate is that it had between 10.000 and 20.000 active accounts.

So, around 1/10th of the entire social network.

OStatus-verse was small but lively. There were discussions, threads, and hashtags. It had groups a decade before Mastodon-the-software-project implemented groups. It had (desktop) apps — I still miss the usability of Choqok! And after a bit of nagging I was even able to convince a Polish ministry to have official presence there. As far as I know this is the earliest example of a government-level institution having an official account on a free-software-run, decentralized social network.


Then one day, Evan Prodromou, the administrator of (and the original creator of StatusNet-the-software), decided to redeploy it as a new service, The new software was supposed to be better and leaner. A new protocol was created because OStatus had very real limitations.

There was just one snag: that new protocol was incompatible with the rest of OStatus-verse. It tore the heart out of that social network.

People with accounts lost their connections on all OStatus-compatible instances. People with accounts on other instances lost contact with people on, some of whom were pretty popular in OStatus-verse (sounds familiar?..).

It turned out that if an instance is 1/10th of the whole social network, a lot of social connections lead through it. Even though other instances existed, suddenly a huge chunk of active users just vanished. Many groups fell mostly silent. Even if one had an account on a different instance, and contacts on other instances, a lot of familiar faces just disappeared. I stopped using it soon after that.

From my perspective, this single action set us back at least five if not ten years as far as promoting decentralized social media is concerned. Redeployment of fractured the OStatus-verse not just in the social connections sense, but also in the protocol and developer community sense. As pettter, a fellow OStatus-verse veteran put it:

I think a bit of nuance on the huge-blow thing is that it didn’t only impact by cutting social connections, but also in protocol fragmentation, and in fragmenting developer efforts into rebuilding basic blocks of a federated social web time and again. Perhaps it was a necessary step to them come back together in designing AP, but personally I don’t think so.

Of course, Evan had all the right to do that. It was a service he ran, pro bono, on his own terms, with his own money. But that does not change the fact that it crippled the OStatus-verse.

I believe we need to learn from this history. Once we do, we should be worried about the sheer size We should be worried by the apparent monoculture of Mastodon-the-software on the Fediverse. And we should also be worried about identifying all of Fediverse with just “Mastodon”.

Cost of going big

There are real costs and real risks related to going as big as has. Those costs and especially those risks are both to that instance itself, and to the broader Fediverse.

Moderation on the Fediverse is largely instance-centric. A single gigantic instance is difficult to moderate effectively, especially if it has registrations open (as currently does). As the flagship instance, promoted directly in official mobile apps, it draws a lot of new registrations — including quite a few problematic ones.

At the same time, this also makes it more difficult for admins and moderators of other instances to make moderation decisions about

If an admin of a different instance decides’s moderation is lacking for whatever reason, should they silence it or even defederate from it (as some already have, apparently), thus denying members of their instance access to a lot of popular people who have accounts there? Or should they keep that access, risking exposing their own community to potentially harmful actions?

The sheer size of makes any such decision of another instance immediately a huge deal. This is a form of power: “sure, you can defederate from us if you don’t like how we moderate, but it would be a shame if people on your instance lost access to 1/10th of the whole fedi!” As GoToSocial’s site puts it:

We also don’t believe that flagship instances with thousands and thousands of users are very good for the Fediverse, since they tend towards centralization and can easily become ‘too big to block’.

Mind you, I am not saying this power dynamic is consciously and purposefully exploited! But it undeniably exists.

Being a gigantic flagship instance also means is more likely to be a target of malicious actions. On multiple occasions over the last few months it found itself under DDoS, for example. A couple of times it went down because of it. Resilience of a federated system relies on removing large points of failure, and is a huge one today.

The size of that instance and it being a juicy target also means that certain hard choices need to be made. For example, due to being a likely target of DDoS, it is now behind Fastly. This is a problem from the privacy perspective, and from the perspective of centralization of Internet infrastructure. It is also a problem that smaller instances avoid completely by simply being smaller and thus less interesting targets for anyone to take down with a DDoS.

Apparent monoculture

While the Fediverse is not exactly a monoculture, it is too close to being one for comfort. Mastodon-the-non-profit has outsized influence on all of fedi. This makes things tense for people using the social network, developers of Mastodon-the-software and other instance software projects, and instance admins.

Mastodon is neither the only instance software project on fedi, nor the first. For example, Friendica has been around for a decade and a half, long before Mastodon-the-software got it’s first git commit. There are Friendica instances (e.g. operating today within Fediverse which had been part of the OStatus-verse a decade ago!

But calling all of Fediverse “Mastodon” makes it seem as if only Mastodon-the-software exists on the Fediverse. This leads people to demand features to be added to Mastodon and to ask for changes that have sometimes already been implemented by other instance software. Calckey already has quote-toots. Friendica has threaded conversations and text formatting.

Identifying Mastodon with the whole fedi is also bad for Mastodon-the-software developers. They find themselves under pressure to implement features that might not entirely fit with Mastodon-the-software. Or, they find themselves dealing with two groups of vocal users, one demanding a certain feature, other insisting it does not get implemented as too big of a change. Many of such situations could probably be more easily dealt with by clearly drawing a line, and pointing people to other instance software that might fit their use-case better.

Finally, Mastodon is currently by far (measured by active users, and by number of instances) the most popular implementation of the ActivityPub protocol. Every implementation has its quirks. With time, and with new features being implemented, Mastodon’s implementation might have to drift further away from the strict spec. It’s tempting, after all: why go through an arduous process of standardizing any protocol extensions if you’re the biggest kid on the block anyway?

If that happens, will every other implementation have to follow it, thus drifting along with it but without actual agency in what changes to the de facto spec are implemented? Will that create more tensions between Mastodon-the-software developers and developers of other instance software projects?

The best solution to “Mastodon misses feature X” is not always “Mastodon should implement feature X.” Often it might be better to just use a different instance software, better suited for a particular task or community. Or to work on a protocol extension that would allow a particularly popular feature to be reliably implemented by as many instances as possible.

But that can only work if it’s clear to everyone that Mastodon is only a part of a bigger social network: the Fediverse. And that we already do have a lot of choice as far as instance software is concerned, and as far as individual instances are concerned, and as far as mobile apps are concerned.

Sadly, that seems to go against recent decisions by Eugen, which go towards a pretty top-down (not quite vertically integrated, but gravitating towards that) model of official Mastodon mobile apps promoting the flagship instance. And that is something to worry about, in my opinion.

A better way

I want to be clear I am not arguing here for freezing Mastodon development and never implementing any new features. I also agree that the signup process needs to be better and more streamlined than it had been before, and that plenty of UI/UX changes need be implemented. But all this can and should be done in a way that improves resilience of the Fediverse, instead of undermining it.

Broader changes

My laundry list for broader needed changes to Mastodon and the Fediverse would be:

  1. Close registrations on, now
    It is already too big and too much of a risk for the rest of the Fediverse.
  2. Make profile migration even easier, also across different instance types
    On Mastodon, profile migration currently only moves followers. Who you follow, bookmarks, block and mute lists can be moved manually. Posts and lists cannot be moved — and that’s a big problem for a lot of people, keeping them tied to the first instance they signed-up for. It’s not insurmountable — I had moved my profile twice and found it perfectly fine. But it is too much friction. Some other instance software projects are working on allowing post migrations too, thankfully. But it’s not going to be a quick and easy fix, as ActivityPub design makes it very hard to move posts between instances.
  3. By default, official apps should offer new people a random instance out of a small list of verified ones
    At least some of these promoted instances should not be controlled by Mastodon-the-non-profit. Ideally, some instances should run different instance software as long as it uses compatible client API.

What can I do myself?

And here are things we ourselves can do, as people using the Fediverse:

  1. Consider moving off of if you have an account there.
    That’s admittedly a big step, but also something you can do that most directly helps fix the situation. I had migrated years ago, and never looked back.
  2. Consider using an instance based on a different software project
    The more people migrate to instances using other instance software than Mastodon-the-software, the more balanced and resilient Fediverse we get. Hearing a lot of positive opinions about Calckey, for example. GoToSocial is also looking interesting.
  3. Remember that Fediverse is more than just Mastodon
    Language matters. When talking about the Fediverse, calling it “Mastodon” is only making the issues I mention above more difficult to deal with.
  4. If you can, support projects other than the official Mastodon ones
    At this point Mastodon-the-software project has a lot of contributors, a stable development team, and enough solid funding to continue safely for a long while. That’s great! But same cannot be said about other fedi-adjacent projects, including independent mobile apps or instance software. In order to have a diverse, resilient Fediverse, we need to make sure these projects are also supported, including financially.

Closing thoughts

First of all, the Fediverse is a much more resilient, more long-term viable, safer, and more democratized social network than any centralized walled garden. Even with its Mastodon monoculture problem, it is still not (and can’t be) owned or controlled by any single company or person. I also feel that it is a better, safer choice than social networks that only cosplay decentralization and pay lip service to it, like BlueSky.

In a very meaningful way, OStatus-verse can be said to have been an early version of the Fediverse; as noted before, some instances that had been part of it then are still running and part of the Fediverse today. In other words, Fediverse had been around for a decade and a half by now, and survived the Identipocalypse even as it got badly hurt by it, while observing both the birth and the untimely passing of Google+.

I do believe Fediverse is leaps and bounds more resilient today than OStatus-verse had been before the redeploy. It’s an order of magnitude (at least) larger in terms of user base. There are dozens of different instance software projects and tens of thousands active instances. There are also serious institutions invested in its future. We should not be panicking over all I wrote above. But I do think we should be worried.

I do not attribute malice to recent actions of Eugen (like making official Mastodon apps funnel new people towards, nor to past actions of Evan (redeploying on And I don’t think anyone should. This stuff is hard, and we’re all learning as we go, trying to do our best with the limited time we have available and restricted resources in our hands.

Evan went on to be one of the main creators of ActivityPub, the protocol the Fediverse runs on. Eugen had started Mastodon-the-software project in the first place which I strongly believe allowed Fediverse to flourish into what it is today. I really appreciate their work, and recognize that it’s impossible to do anything in social media space without someone having opinions on it.

That does not mean, however, we cannot scrutinize these decisions and should not have these opinions.

Update: I did a silly; is behind Fastly, not CloudFlare, of course. Fixed, thank you to those who poked me about it!

Update 2: Heartfelt thanks to Jorge Maldonado Ventura for providing a Spanish translation of this blogpost, published under CC BY-SA 4.0. ¡Gracias!

BlueSky is cosplaying decentralization

Almost exactly six months after Twitter got taken over by a petulant edge lord, people seem to be done with grieving the communities this disrupted and connections they lost, and are ready, eager even, to jump head-first into another toxic relationship. This time with BlueSky.

BlueSky’s faux-decentralization

BlueSky differentiates itself from Hive, Post, and other centralized social media newcommers by being ostensibly decentralized. It differentiates itself from the Fediverse by not being the Fediverse, and by being funded by *checks notes* Twitter. Oh, and by being built by Silicon Valley techbros, instead of weirdos who understand consent and how important moderation is.

I say “ostensibly decentralized”, because BlueSky’s (henceforth referred to as “BS” here) decentralization is a similar kind of decentralization as with cryptocurrencies: sure, you can run your own node (in BS case: “personal data servers”), but that does not give you basically any meaningful agency in the system. Quoting the protocol docs:

Account portability is the major reason why we chose to build a separate protocol. We consider portability to be crucial because it protects users from sudden bans, server shutdowns, and policy disagreements.

And here:

ATP’s model is that speech and reach should be two separate layers, built to work with each other. The “speech” layer should remain neutral, distributing authority and designed to ensure everyone has a voice. The “reach” layer lives on top, built for flexibility and designed to scale.

So the storage layer is “neutral”, accounts are “portable”. That to me means that node operators will have no agency in the system. Discoverability/search/recommendations are done in a separate layer, and the way the system seems to be designed (nodes have no say, they just provide the data) effectively places all the power with these “reach” algorithms.

Secondary centralization in “reach” layer

The rule of thumb with search and recommendation algorithms is: the bigger, the better. The more data you have and the more compute you get to throw at it, the better your recommendations will be. So it’s a winner-takes-all system that strongly avantages whoever starts building their dataset early and can throw as much money at it as possible.

And once you’re the biggest game in town, people will optimize for you (just look at SEO and Google Search). It won’t matter much that people using the network can freely choose a different algorithm, just as it doesn’t matter much on the Web that people can choose a different search engine. And the more I read about BS’s protocol, the more I think this is done on purpose.

Why? Because it allows BS to pay lip service to decentralization, without actually giving away the power in the system. After all, BlueSky-the-company will definitely be the first to start indexing BS-the-social-network posts, and you can bet Jack has enough money to throw at this to get the needed compute. I guess decentralization is a big thing lately and there are investors to scam if you can farm enough users and build enough hype fast enough!

Another pretty good sign that BS’s decentralization is actually b.s. is the fact that the Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) used by BlueSky are currently “temporarily” not actually decentralized. The protocol uses something imaginatively called “DID Placeholder”. If I were a betting man I would bet that in five years it will keep on using the centralized DID Placeholder, and that that will be a root cause of a lot of shenanigans.

Externalizing the work

Finally, as a good friend of mine, tomasino, noticed:

it decentralizes the cost to the central authority by pushing data load onto volunteers

A similar observation was made by mekka okoreke, too. To which I can only add: very much this, while planning to keep control by being the biggest kid on the “reach” block.

Of course, fedi could also have some search and discovery algorithms built on top. Operators of such algorithms (there had been a few attempts already) would also benefit from being first and going big. But their potential power is balanced by the power fedi instance admins and moderators have (blocking and defederating) and by the fact that fedi is perfectly usable without such algorithms. And by strong hostility of a lot of people using fedi towards non-consensual indexing.

Jack’s BS

BS is the brainchild of Jack Dorsey, which is no surprise to anyone who’s been paying any attention to BS. Jack Dorsey is of course the former CEO of Twitter, who famously said:

Elon is the singular solution I trust. I trust his mission to extend the light of consciousness.

This aged roughly as well as fresh milk out in the midday July sun in Portugal.

Jack also heavily promoted cryptocurrencies, scammed people using NFTs, and donated a bunch of BTC to Nostr, a “censorship-resistant” social media platform, because of course.

And finally, there’s this comment of his (posted on Nostr; BlueSky not good enough for Jack, it seems). Crucial bit:

Likes are superficial and exist only to inform an algorithm. Relevance algorithms have their place, but they are best informed by a truly costly action.

No, you stockholder-value-optimizing-robot, likes exist to inform the author that you liked their post. They exist to infuse some warm emotions into the cold machine. They exist so that we can connect on a human level without trivializing it by putting into words. You know, as us humans do.

With all this considered, let’s just say I question Jack’s judgement and his motives in anything related to social networks. And since, as I said, BS is his brainchild, I would be very suspicious of it.

Modeled after Twitter

In a pretty meaningful way, “speech and reach” is the model of Twitter today. You just don’t get to choose your recommendation/discovery algorithm.

Elon Musk, the self-described “free speech absolutist” (unless it’s criticism of him) has re-platformed a lot of nasty people with the idea that anyone should have a Twitter account. But only those who pay get to play with any meaningful reach.

What actual difference would being able to choose between different recommendation/discoverability algorithms make for at-risk folks who are constantly harassed on Twitter? There is no way to opt-out from “reach” algorithms indexing one’s posts, as far as I can see in the ATproto and BS documentation. So fash/harassers would be able to choose an algorithm that basically recommends targets to them.

On the other hand, harassment victims could choose an algo that does not recommend harassers to them — but the problem for them is not that they are recommended to follow harassers’ accounts. It’s that harassers get to jump into their replies and pile-on using quote-posts and so on. Aided and abetted by recommendation algorithms that one cannot opt out of being indexed by in order to protect oneself.

The only way to effectively fight harassment in a social network is effective, contextual moderation. The Fediverse showed that having communities, which embody that context and whose admins and moderators focus on protecting their members, is pretty damn effective here. This is exactly what BS is not doing. And I do not see much mention of moderation at all in its documentation.

In other words, “neutrality” and “speech” and “voice” and “protection from bans” is mentioned right there, front and center, in BS’s overview and FAQ. At the same time moderation and anti-harassment features are, at best, an afterthought. As fedi user dr2chase put it:

I’m getting a techno-Libertarian aroma from all this, i.e., these guys won’t kick the Nazi out of the bar.

People like shiny!

Of course the sad reality is that people will buy the hype, build communities under the everloving watchful eye of Jack “Musk is the singular solution I trust, likes are superficial if not paid for” Dorsey. And then do a surprised picachu face when inevitably, sooner or later, some surveillance capitalist robber baron enshittifies it to a point of complete unusefulness.

It fascinates me how quickly people forget lessons from the whole Twitter kerfuffle, and just fall for another Silicon Valley silly con. Without even skipping a beat.

Twitter Unverified

The following is probably mostly obvious to anyone who had been using Twitter for the last decade. But for those who are just confused what the whole hubbub around Twitter “verified checkmark” is all about, here goes!

A long while ago Twitter started making certain accounts “verified”. This was supposed to combat impersonation (and in that it was even quite effective, apparently). But since the “verified” checkmark was given by Twitter on Twitter’s sole discretion, and since it mostly went to Large, Important Accounts (celebrities, politicians, and so on), it quickly became a status symbol of sorts. “Witness me, for I have the Verified Checkmark, therefore I am considered Important!”, that kind of thing.

When Melon took over in November, this was an easy target.

First of all, a lot of these blue checkmarks were “left wing media” people and so on, or otherwise people who could be claimed by his twisted alt-right peanut of a brain to be “establishment” — as opposed, of course, to the Apartheid Clyde himself, who in no way can be said to be an “establishment” person, nuh-huh!

Secondly, as it’s a status symbol, maybe people could get cajolled to pay for this?

And third, as a security measure — impersonating a well known person or a trusted organization is great when you’re trying to phish someone or send them a malwared link… — maybe large organizations will want to pay even more for the priviledge of being more difficult to impersonate on Twitter?

Turns out, no. The backlash was so strong, that Twitter even started letting those who did pay for Twitter Blue to hide the checkmark, because it started being associated with supporting Musk. Meanwhile organizations started coming out strong with “hell no we won’t pay your protection racket money”, as to them it seemed (pretty on-point I’d say) as if Chief Twit was basically saying: “fancy Twitter profile for an organization you have there; it would be a shame if someone impersonated it!”

Today is the day (4.20; yes, the Toddler King made another marijuana joke here) where legacy “verified” checkmarks are finally disappearing and only the paid ones remain. In other words, the Fediverse has a better verification system than Twitter now.

Does ChatGPT gablergh?

Imagine coming across, on a reasonably serious site, an article that starts along the lines of:

After observing the generative AI space for a while, I feel I have to ask: does ChatGPT (and other LLM-based chatbots)… actually gablergh? And if I am honest with myself, I cannot but conclude that it sure does seem so, to some extent!

I know this sounds sensationalist. It does undermine some of our strongly held assumptions and beliefs about what does “to gablergh” actually mean — and what classes of entities can, in fact, be said to gablergh at all. Since gablerghing is such a crucial part of what many feel it means to be human, this is also certainly going to ruffle some feathers!

But here’s the thing: so far, after thousands of years of philosophical thought and scientific research, we have not been able to clearly define “gablerghing”. Thus, we simply cannot say for certain that some simpler animals, like ants, do not gablergh in some relevant sense. Gablerghing happens on a spectrum, from clearly gablerghing organisms like humans and dolphins, through animals like dogs or cats who I think we would mostly agree do gablergh, down to ants where this is maybe more fraught a statement.

So why couldn’t “a set of scripts running on top of a corpus of statistically analyzed internet content” be said to, in some sense, gablergh?

Naturally, your immediate reaction would not be to make a serious thinking face and consider deeply whether or not GPT indeed “gablerghs”, and if so to what degree. Instead, you would first expect the author to define the term “gablergh” and provide some relevant criteria for establishing whether or not something “gablerghs”.

Yet somehow when hype-peddlers claim that LLMs (and tools built around them, like ChatGPT) “think”, nobody demands of them clarification of what they actually mean by that, and what criteria they might possibly use (beyond “the output seems human-made”). This allows them to weaponize the complexity of defining the term “to think”, with all its emotional and philosophical baggage, and using it to their advantage.

“Well you can’t say it doesn’t think” — the argument goes — “since it’s so hard to define and delineate! Even ants can be said to think in some sense!”

This is preposterous. Of course this does not in any way prove that GPT can “think”; as one person pointed out on fedi it’s a case of the motte-and-bailey fallacy. Instead of accepting the premise, we should fire right back: “you don’t get to claim that GPT ‘thinks’ unless you first define that term clearly, and provide relevant criteria”. And these criteria need to be substantially better than the quack-like-a-duck of “output seems human-like, also it told me it thinks”.

After all, “at the very least you need to be able to define a quality Q you claim X has” is a much stronger stance than “I claim X has quality Q and you can’t prove I am wrong because Q is hard to define.”

No idea why we all collectively keep getting tripped over this, and fail to recognize it for what it is — thinly veiled hype-generation attempt that uses badly defined terms for marketing.

In the end, what it means to “think”, to be “conscious”, to “have intentionality”, is a matter for philosophers. Not for AI-techbros with stock to pump and chatbots to sell.

I want a fridge that won't join a botnet

I remember trying to buy a TV that does not have “smart” functionality a few years ago. It was a chore. Today it seems nigh-impossible.

By the way, we need a nice way of referring to non-smart devices. I propose: “safe”.

And not just TVs: ovens; refrigerators; dishwashers — all are now “smart”. In fact, it seems that more and more the available non-smart, err, I mean safe models are only the simpler ones, less performant in ways that are not related to any smart functionality.

Safe TVs but without the fancy backlight. Safe refrigerators but without the de-icing system. My Safe TV was available only with lower resolutions than “smart” models of the same brand.

This really annoys me. I am too well aware of security implications of smart devices. I do not want to have to manage regular software updates for whatever number of appliances I have at home, or risk somebody using them in a botnet (or worse).

And no, I don’t trust their “disable WiFi” menu options either. Seen this setting get enabled without my consent too many times. And a lot of participants to my little completely unscientific fedi poll seem to have similar experiences. Plus, there is valid concern that some devices will just try to connect to any open WiFi network; I would much rather not

I could put such devices on a special VLAN, or behind a Pi Hole, but 99% of people can’t. Plus, it’s work. Plus, most importantly, you can bet that “smart” devices will start coming with SIM cards and 4g/5g modems very soon — cars already do. Why does my fridge need Internet connectivity in the first place?

In 2016 an IoT-based Mirai botnet took down Dyn, one of the biggest online infrastructure companies, and many well known websites with it.

As early as 2018 there were already botnets that… used CCTV cameras. But of course the predominant media narrative was “hackers attack” instead of “vendors put us at risk.”

Sidenote: if you’re using the word “hacker” to mean “cybercriminal”, you are making it worse. Please stop.

With all this in mind, I started thinking of how could this be solved? Not in the sense of “how can I, a techy person, secure my network and devices”, but in the sense of “how can we as a society manage the Internet of Shit problem?”

Consider a regulatory requirement for IoT / smart-appliance vendors to provide either (vendor’s choice):

  • similarly-priced safe models, physically without the smart functionality, but with other metrics and functionality on-par with the smart version; or…
  • reliable, verifiable, physical way of disabling smart functionality (or perhaps just networking) in their smart-devices.

Additionally, the packaging or other forms of information available before purchase should state clearly:

  • does the device require Internet connectivity to set-up?
  • does the device require a mobile app to set-up?
  • does the device require agreeing to an EULA/TOS/privacy policy to set-up?
  • which functions require Internet connectivity?
  • which functions require data processing on external servers (that is, outside of the device)?
  • does the device have a microphone or a camera or other sensors?
  • does information from such sensors ever leave the device (for example, voice command data to be processed on external servers)?

I just want to be able to buy a damn refrigerator without worrying about it joining a botnet. Is that too much to ask?

This blogpost started off as a fedi thread. It got a bunch of interesting responses, and links to news about absolutely bonkers IoT stuff galore. Might be worth checking it out!

Chaotic speaker vote two years after attempted coup in oil-rich North American country

This week in the United States of America, a former British colony on the North American continent, long-brewing political and social problems culminated in a messy speaker election in the lower chamber of the bicameral national parliament.

The Republican party, by far the more conservative of the two major parties in what effectively is a two-party political oligopoly, gained narrow majority in the chamber in November elections, but was unable to effectively execute on its new-found power. A small far-right splinter group within the party blocked the election of the speaker — a procedural position that has gradually become heavily politicized — demanding political favors in return for their votes. This resulted in four days of heated and often chaotic proceedings, at one point devolving into a brawl.

The Speaker of the House, as the post is officially called, has finally been elected on the fifteenth try, the largest number since before the country’s bloody civil war. Last time election of the speaker — which is largely a formality — required more than one ballot was in 1923.

To placate the hold-outs, the now-newly elected speaker had to first agree to a long list of concessions, potentially going as far as giving the far-right hardliner minority control over which legislative proposals are even put up for a vote. This raises the possibility of a government shut-down due to running out of funds later this year; government shut-downs have become more frequent recently in the heavily politically polarized North American nation. There are also concerns that the country might default on its debt, bringing more political and economic instability to the region.

The troubled vote comes exactly two years after a violent coup attempt, supported by then-President, who refused to accept defeat in his bid for re-election. Armed militia storming the building where the legislative branch of the country’s government deliberates — United States Capitol — tried to stop the formal certification of the election’s result. The crisis was enabled partially by an outdated electoral system that often relies heavily on norms and custom in place of strict regulations.

Members of both chambers of the legislative branch, as well as then-Vice President of the country, had to be evacuated from the building. The attack resulted in several deaths.

Certain right-wing political figures, aligned with the former President, who had voiced their strong support for the armed insurgency perpetrating the coup and defended the organization (designated as “terrorist” in some countries) involved in organizing it have now been sworn-in as elected members of the lower legislative chamber, House of Representatives. They formed the core of the splinter group, leader of which had been accused of being involved in child sex trafficking and prostitution of minors.

The former President, who strives to maintain a strongman persona, is named in a number of investigations and criminal cases, ranging from tax evasion to stealing classified documents to inciting the coup attempt. He had also drawn accusations of nepotism after having appointed his daughter and son-in-law to important positions in his administration, and was embroiled in scandals involving, among others, paying off a porn star over an alleged affair.

The oil-rich North American country is struggling with high rate of gun violence (among the 20 most heavily affected countries in the world, according to a 2016 ranking), high cost of and difficult access to healthcare, lowest adult literacy rate in the region, and one of the highest incarceration rates in the world. These issues disproportionately affect communities of people of color, in no small part due to country’s economy having relied heavily on slavery in the past.

This post is inspired by Joshua Keating’s “If It Happened There” column in Slate, which I found to be as hilarious as it is illuminating. I can only wish someone would continue this kind of lighthearted yet much-needed work.