This is an ancient post, published more than 4 years ago.
As such, it might not anymore reflect the views of the author or the state of the world. It is provided as historical record.
Last week (Oct 25-26, to be precise) I went to Stockholm for two
great events around the topic of hacktivism and how
ICT can shape the dynamics of social changes.
The first of those – Power of
Adhocracy – was an activist-organised meet-up, an
“inofficial warm-up” before the next day conference. Activists
(including Jacob
Appelbaum, of TOR
Project fame) from the USA, through Europe to Kenya were talking in
a casual manner about their ideas and projects. Unfortunately I was only
able to get there for the last two talks, but nonetheless that meant a
fun and interesting evening with the speakers and the great people of Telecomix.
The second one – Internet
and Democratic Change – was a much more official
conference. Organized by the Julia
Group in co-operation with SIDA,
an agency of the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with participation
of media and activists from around the world, but focused mainly on the
Arab Spring.
The Agenda was full
of great talks, unfortunately one had to choose their track. I am
very happy with my choice, though.
Scott Lucas of EA World View described how
new methods of contacting sources (like social networks) and new media
(blogs, internet sites) allow for following and commenting on global
situation from any corner of the world, provided Internet access is
Stephen Urbach, a Telecomix hacktivist, provided an
insider perspective on “revolutions from the couch”, or how hacktivists,
IT proffesionals, programmers and other volunteers co-operating with
Telecomix helped Egiptians circumvent government-mandated Internet
blockades during anti-Mubarack
Mahnaz Afkhami, founder of Women’s
Learning Partnership, talked about tools that help change situation
of women in the MENA
region and deliberated on new ways of fighting gender discrimination
Maryam Al-Khawaja reflected on role of social media in
social change in Bahrain, and that new technologies are being actively
used there bo both sides, which was well exemplified in the twitter feed
of the conference (where the presence of negative comments posted from
newly created accounts was very visible).
Hamza Fakhr – by an audio/video link, as he was unable
to come personally due to unforseen difficulties – described changes in
the way ICT was being used in the Syrian revolution.
Dima Khatib and Sultan al-Quassemi, in
a panel discussion moderated by Yasmine El Rafie,
pondered on how they received first information on the beginning of the
protests in Northern Africa, where did they get further info from and
how they became important sources for others. Of course, they continued
to use their social network accounts while on-stage.
A very interesting talk, as usually, was given by Jacob
Appelbaum: on surveillance and invigilation we all endure –
being aware of that, or not; with our consent, or
not – all the time, and how network censorship
(under the guise of fighting the bogeyman of the day like “terrorism” or
“child porn”; or without
any guise at all, like in Syria or Egipt) is just a logical
extension to such surveillance, simply putting the infrastructure and
technology to work. The only way out is using effective mechanisms of
ensuring anonimity and privacy in the Net – and those must be trivial to
use so that they are used universally (so that the mere fact of using
encryption does not automatically tip off the government agencies that
“this somebody has something to hide”). Anonimity, privacy and using
strong cryptography must become the default, not optional! Two
interesting examples of projects striving to go this way were
TAILS, or a Linux distribution crafted
for anonymous use, by default removing all the logs and using as strong
cryptography as possible in each given situation;
or a physical device that just needs power and Internet connection to
provide a properly configured TOR node.
Of course a question arises why the software vendors and service
providers do not make the right decisions on user privacy, anonimity,
offer strong encryption by default – and the answer, according to Jacob,
is simple:
Do you know why vendors don’t make good privacy decisions for users?
It’s because you are their product.
Jacob’s talk got an interesting emphasis after the conference, when
en route to the USA he was detained on
Keflaviku airport (that did not stop him from commenting
the whole situation in his usual manner).
However, the biggest sensation of the conference (and that’s a
general consensus) was Salma Said dismantling the
popular myth of how peaceful and “Internet-fueled” Egyptian revolution
was – and the myth of its success.
The revolution became peaceful once we burned 90% of police stations
during the first 6 hours. Then we could act like hippies. (…) This
revolution needs weapons; if we had weapons we would use them. (…) When
the thugs came we didn’t defend Tahrir with twitter and facebook; we
defended it wih our own bodies.
That does not mean that Internet wasn’t relevant to the Egyptian
uprising; however, it was not – according to Salma – even close to being
as important as the Western world was led to believe.
It was all the more interesting considering the fact that at the same
time in the second room Slim Amamou praised the way
Internet enabled and helped the Tunisian peaceful social and political
change. The apparent contradiction was especially evident on the
(unfortunately) twitter feed of the
#net4change tag, where Salma’s remarks on how Internet was much less
important than what is generally thought and Slim’s praises on its
importance went head-to-head. A nice summary of that came spontaneously
from Salma:
Internet is important in revolution, but it depends on where you are
and what you can do.
Finally, Hanna Hellquist (State secretary, Swedish
Ministry for Foreign Affairs) summarized the conference saying, among
other things, that Sweden must send clear signals, unequivocal signals
of support for human rights and personal freedoms towards foreign
nations. It’s not always easy (it’s very difficult to do with China, for
example), but it’s crucial.
The response was very mixed, as the talk sounded strange in the
context of controversial
around The Pirate
I had the pleasure of asking Mrs Hellquist about that afterwards –
she admitted that it’s a difficult topic, not only due to Internet
censorship debate and actions against filesharing in Sweden. However,
she cannot, for obvious reasons, be held accountable for the whole
Swedish government and is just playing her part and doing her job.
…Or a joint beer excursion was one of the most interesting beer
excursion I have ever had the pleasure of participating in. The sheer
fact that I wa able to discuss with activists from around the globe,
doing their parts in a multitude of different ways – direct actions in
Egypt; getting the info out and finding sources; keeping the
infrastructure up and running, and acquiring proof of government foul
play – was fantastic.
The discussions themselves, obviously related to the topic of the
conference, social change and Internet (and more!) where very
stimulating and will have my mind going for a long time.
Thanks: I would like to thank
Marcin de Kaminski for inviting me as a participant to
the Net4Change conference; and Telecomix agent Lejonet
for extending his hospitality towards me and offering a place to stay
for the two nights in Stockholm.