This is an ancient post, published more than 4 years ago.
As such, it might not anymore reflect the views of the author or the state of the world. It is provided as historical record.
I had been invited to join NETmundial a couple of weeks ago in São
Paulo. It’s been an interesting learning experience for – well, I guess
for all involved parties (a.k.a. “multiple stakeholders”;
“multistakeholderism” was the buzzword du jour). Sadly, not
very much more, though.
When the most resounding message in statements made from the stage by
organisers and high-profile guests is that the
outcome document has to be “good enough”, that sends a strong signal
that mediocrity is to be expected.
In that regard, nobody got disappointed.
Now, I do not have as black an opinion of NETmundial as La
Quadrature du Net; I even feel that Smári McCarthy’s view that
entire conference was a waste of time] goes a wee bit too far.
Still I am far from the optimism
expressed by the Polish Ministry of Administration and Digital
Affairs (among others). Here’s why.
It would be hard not to notice two prevailing contention issues in,
of and about the Internet during the last year or so: privacy and net
In either both governments and corporations are highly interested; in
either different governments and corporate entities have (or claim to
have) different interests. And – most importantly – both are inseparably
connected to human rights in the digital era, and
to the future of the Internet as a whole.
Discussion of these issues, especially privacy, gained much steam
after Edward
Snowden’s revelations about overreaching
mass surveillance programmes run by the US National Security
In response to, among others, these revelations, in late 2013
Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff announced
plans to host a global Internet governance meeting, which came to be
Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet
Governance, a.k.a. NETmundial.
At the same time, for the last few years, there was a debate
happening in Brazil around Marco Civil
da Internet. The debate hinged on the very same two crucial issues –
privacy and network neutrality. Few weeks before NETmundial the bill has
cleared Brazilian congress, and was passed into law on the first day of
NETmundial, April 23rd. The
bill contains strong protection of network neutrality and privacy on
the Internet.
Few weeks before NETmundial the European Parliament voted for a bill
that would (among other things) protect network neutrality in the
The process seemed thought-through and geared towards
multistakeholderism. The idea was to gather as many people,
institutions, NGOs, governments, interested in Internet governance, as
possible, get their input and prepare a single document, outlining the
principles and the roadmap for Internet governance.
Discussion had started long before the April conference. First, a
call for submission had been made (around 180 submissions had been
received, including mine). Each had to refer
either to principles, or roadmap.
Then, a first draft version
of the outcome document has been published, and opened for comments.
Hundreds of these flowed-in, and the call form comments has ended
directly before the conference itself.
Finally, the conference was organised as a single-track, massive
(more than 800 people in attendance) plenary. After the usual official
statements (made by – among others – Mrs. Rousseff, Sir Tim Berners-Lee,
Vint Cerf, Nenna
Nwakanma, and representatives of several governments, including the
Polish Minister of Administration and Digital Affairs), a call for
comments – this time submitted in person, via microphones – was open and
continued for the better part of the 2 days.
There were 4 microphones: one for civil society, one for governments,
one for academia and technical community, and one for business. There
were about 200 representatives of each of these groups in the room, and
each group has been represented more-or-less equally in the composition
of the group of people on stage, running the event. Microphones were
called upon sequentially, and each speaker had 2 minutes (later reduced
to 1.5 minute) to voice their comment.
Interestingly, remote hub
participants were also offered the floor (via an audio-video link) after
each microphone call sequence, and there were quite a few quality
“remote” remarks that added real value to the proceedings.
Each comment, each word, was transcribed and directly shown
on-screen. All
transcripts are also available on-line, which is a boon for
transparency and accountability.
“It’s who counts the votes”
After the plenary ended for the day, all the comments were then
processed and merged with the outcome document draft by the High-Level Multistakeholder
Committee. Sadly, while on the plenary every group had the same
power, the same amount of time to voice their concerns, things changed
in the Committee: there were 3 representatives each from civil society,
technical community, academia, business, and (surprisingly)
“international organisations” (like the… European Commission!). However,
there were 12 representatives of governments.
And the Committee meeting was not recorded nor transcribed. Every
NETmundial participant could be in the room the Committee was working
in, but they didn’t have a voice.
There goes multistakeholderism, accountability and transparency, out
the window.
In the comments, especially those voiced in the plenary, both net
neutrality and privacy/mass surveillance issues were not only present,
but – I would say – prevalent. While most comments in support of
enshrining network neutrality and including strong wording against mass
surveillance in the outcome document came (unsurprisingly) from the
civil society, there were such voices also from governments, academia,
technical community and business, including this great tidbit by Mr. James Seng:
businesses should also be protected from being coerced by their
government or any other legal authorities into mass surveillance.
…and this great comment, coming (surprisingly) not from civil
society, but from the government side – by Mr Groń, representing Polish
Ministry of Administration and Digital
Affairs (which does seem to get it as far as
Internet is concerned):
Text in the current form may suggest that there might be mass
surveillance interception and collection programs which are consistent
with human rights and democratic values. By definition, mass
surveillance is not consistent with human rights and democratic
The rule of law and democratic values states that surveillance must
respect specific and strict rules. There must be specific legislation
setting limits of powers of surveillance authorities and providing
necessary protection for citizens’ rights. Use of surveillance
mechanisms must be under supervision of court. Such mechanisms may be
used only in a case of reasonable suspicion of committing a crime and
only against specific person or persons.
Mechanism used must be proportional and may be used only for specific
time period.
Many comments called for explicit acknowledgement of Edward Snowden’s
role in the conception of NETmundial. Many others for outright calling
access to the Internet a human right. Several about the need to connect
developing nations.
I also took to the
microphone to underline the issue of
walled-gardens and consequent growing balkanisation of the
Of course, voices advocating stronger protection of
imaginary property where also there, but (and again, this is my
subjective take on it) there were much fewer of them than one would have
And of course there were pro-censorship statements, thinly veiled
behind the usual “think of the children”
(Tunisia) and “the right of the government to decide what is best for
the people” (China).
As good as the comments were, the outcome document is sadly very
disappointing. There was a strong urge to build a consensus around the
document, which obviously meant that certain things were hard to
introduce – but during the work of the committees merging comments with
draft documents there were several positive changes introduced,
including strong language against mass surveillance both in the Roadmap, and in the Principles. The
latter being most clear-cut:
Mass surveillance is not compatible with the right to privacy or the
principle of proportionality.
Then the draft document, merged and polished by the respective
Principles and Roadmap committees, went under consideration of the
High-Level Multistakeholder Committee. And that’s where things got cut
and mangled. The strong anti mass surveillance language disappeared,
leaving only watered-down version that can be read as if suggesting mass
surveillance can be carried out in a way that is compatible with human
rights law.
Make no mistake – this is due to vehement opposition to such strong
condemnation of mass surveillance, voiced by none other than the United
States. US representative went as far as to state, that in the view of
the US (compare and contrast with the Polish statement above):
Mass surveillance not always a violation of privacy.
For the same reason there is no acknowledgement of Edward Snowden in
the document, of course. And, of course, these were voiced unequivocally
only at the not recorded nor transcribed HLMC meeting.
Net neutrality got a boot and was only included as a “point to be
further discussed beyond NETmundial” (along with roles of stakeholders,
jurisdiction issues and benchmarking).
Finally, intermediary liability only got a weak acknowledgement,
anchored in “economic growth, innovation, creativity and free flow of
information”, instead of human rights (like freedom of expression or
Intermediary liability limitations should be implemented in a way
that respects and promotes economic growth, innovation, creativity and
free flow of information.
Little wonder, then, that civil society organisations decided to voice their
disappointment with the outcome document in a common statement; its
the last sentence seems a fitting summary:
We feel that this document has not sufficiently moved us beyond the
status quo in terms of the protection of fundamental rights,
and the balancing of power and influence of different stakeholder
The document is far from satisfactory, especially in the context of
the very reasons NETmundial was conceived (mass dragnet surveillance by
the US), and legislative work being done around network neutrality
(including Marco Civil and the Europarlament vote). And as far
as privacy and mass surveillance is concerned, we know it’s of rising
importance for more than a decade. Time to up our game.
With FCC
proposing watered-down and meaningless net neutrality rules during
NETmundial proceedings, US agencies blatantly
advocating more surveillance and smartphone
remote “kill-switch” law being passed in California, NETmundial
could have sent a strong, unambiguous signal about the need of
protecting human rights also in the digital domain.
Instead, due to political pressure to find a compromise, however
mediocre and meaningless (quipped “overwhelmingly rough
consensus”), the outcome document doesn’t really introduce any new
quality to the debate.
To some extent, though, it’s the journey that
NETmundial was as much an Internet governance meet-up, as an
experiment in multistakeholderism. And even though it was slanted (due
to, among others, the HLMC having a large over-representation of
governments), even though it was far from perfect, even though the
process could have been better designed, it is still an experiment we
can learn a lot from.
I feel that somewhere along the road NETmundial organisers missed the
fact that:
Multistakeholderism is a framework and means of engagement, it is not
a means of legitimization. – via
With eyes on the prize of a consensual outcome document, there was a
vague feeling that civil society has been invited to the table to
legitimize the process and the outcome, and that there are little to
none concessions that would not be considered to keep all parties at the
It eventually turned out a bit better, and I find the fact that the
US had to unequivocally advocate mass surveillance, is one of the
positive outcomes of this meeting. The king had to acknowledge its lack
of clothing.
While it is hard to disagree with Jeremié
Zimmerman, writing for La Quadrature du Net:
Governments must consider the Internet as our common good, and
protect it as such, with no compromise.
…we can, and should, learn from NETmundial. As Human
Rights Watch put it:
What was evident throughout the two days of discussions in São Paulo
is that a “multistakeholder” approach to Internet governance – however
vague a term, or however difficult a concept to implement – is a far
more inclusive and transparent approach than any process where only
governments have a seat at the table
I think I’ll finish this off with a question
raised by Smári McCarthy:
We’re going to need to do something better. The people running OurNETmundial were doing a fairly
good job of drawing attention to the real issues. Perhaps OurNETmundial
should become an event. But where? When? By whom? And how do we avoid